Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So many

things happened today. MIL had a vehicular accident. She had wounds but overall she is fine. I received a call from my sister that they had to bring and confine Papa to the hospital to really determine what causes his illness. Diagnosis as of now is pneumonia. Doctor said there is nothing to worry about. They are still in the process of doing several tests on him, though.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Highlights - Week 40

Since the beginning of the year, I never felt we had a weekend break from work. Weekends are always full, whether church or family affair. So I might as well document our weekends because that is really the only time for ourselves.

Friday morning when I learned that my father is sick. He got since two weeks ago, got well and then he got ill again. They had to bring him to the doctor at 1am morning of Friday. My sister and I decided to go home and visit since it has been three months since we last saw them. I seldom or even never saw my father ill. He is always full of energy despite his age and seeing him in bed the night we arrived just gave me this odd feeling. He felt better  Saturday morning and even played with his grandchildren. In the afternoon, he felt pain in stomach again, so had to bring him to an internist who is also a friend. My father was surprised how young the doctor was when I introduced him to our friend. It could be UTI based on initial assessment. That night, he's having fever again and his grandchildren prayed for him before we left for Manila. We need to go back home to attend to Joie's Sportsfest and Family the next day.

The kids had fun with the short visit. We went to the farm and they enjoyed fishing. It was also during this time that my aunts and I had a talk and tried to catch up. We talked about relatives and acquaintances who are getting old,had alzheimer's disease and recent illness and death. Scary because these people were my parents contemporary. This means I have to be more on my knees to pray for my parents.

Since it was kind of an instant reunion for all of us, we already celebrated MJ's 6th birthday which actually today, October 11.

The day is not totally a happy ending as we bid goodbye to them and Papa not feeling well.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I really like word processing UNDO and even back space feature. Although backspace is already available during the manual typewriter days, backspace only takes you to the previous space, more like a left cursor is doing. During those times, the combination of liquid paper or correction fluid rather and backspace key are used when erasing and overwriting manuscript mistakes.

With the recent technology, not only we enjoy a softtouch keyboard but we also enjoy the combination of correction fluid and backspace in a single backspace key or even better, the UNDO feature. If backspace can erase a letter one step back, UNDO takes you not only a single letter but several steps back. It can be typing of a whole sentence, spacing, font color or any formatting or any wordprocessing tool you can think of.

This morning, I got mad and upset by the little boys. We had an agreement that they will complete the worksheet I prepared for them in preparation for their exams. So as not to pressure them, I just let them finish the worksheet on their own time. I went inside our bedroom, took a short nap and was awakened by the noise in the livingroom where I left the boys working on their respective worksheets. As I step out of the room, they were playing by the window with our neighbors. Much to my disappointment, I got mad and raised my voice as I burst in anger. I could have said so much mean words and hurt they boys feeling. But I cannot take those back. I cannot go back in time to be calm as I talk to them. How I wish I can backspace or much more UNDO the things that happened few minutes after waking up from that nap.

Time and always I keep telling myself to be patient and calm in dealing with the boys because whatever happens from outbursts can no longer be undone. I would like to believe I am a work in progress and still a long way to go in learning to be a good parent. My prayer is that no matter what, my boys will have wisdom as I try to talk to them and make them understand that sometimes, mom is going to be upset but no matter what, mom always loves them.